CMHA’s Research and Development Laboratory exists to serve the association in its vital role as a catalyst for the progression and advancement of the industry as a whole, as well as the individual needs of each of its members companies.
Staffed by professional, qualified engineers and technicians with years of experience in material testing, the lab has the ability to perform virtually any physical testing of concrete masonry, hardscape units, and other manufactured concrete products and assemblies.
Have a notion about how to make a product better? Or even just a hunch? The dedicated, precision-minded members of the lab staff are available for consultation when it comes to developing a customized research and development program to demonstrate or certify the performance characteristics of a specific material, product, or system. Pick their brains about how to manufacture a prototype that can truly redefine the market.
The CMHA Research and Development Laboratory is an International Accreditation Service (IAS) Accredited Testing Laboratory. The Laboratory is accredited in accordance with the International Standard ISO/IEC 17025:2017.
Laboratory Services

Product Testing
Testing for concrete masonry units, segmental retaining wall units, concrete pavers, articulating concrete brick, manufactured stone veneer, and other units — to determine compliance to ASTM and CSA specifications. Fire, energy and sound transmission class ratings are available.

Material Testing
Evaluate materials like aggregates, masonry mortar, grout, admixtures, cement, recycled materials for properties such as compressive strength, absorption, freeze-thaw durability, salt-scaling resistance, flexural and split-tensile strength, and more.

Assembly Testing
Test masonry prisms, structural wall assemblies, water and air penetration, shear bond strength, as well SRW connection and shear strength. Testing is also available to optimize curing mixtures, perfect mix designs and develop prototype units.
Materials Submittal Form
Use this form to provide information on products you are sending for testing.
Fire Rating Info Form
Use this form to provide information on CMU for fire rating calculation purposes.
Lab Accreditation
Check out the Lab’s accreditation certificate from IAS.
Provide feedback to ensure lab efficiency and effectiveness.
Contact the Research and Development Laboratory staff to get your products tested.