Concrete Masonry & Hardscape Products and Sustainability
CMHA and our members are committed to sustainability in the built environment. We are working towards a sustainable and resilient future through efficient manufacturing practices, education on optimizing mix designs to reduce material use, and research and development into carbon sequestration and reduction.

Industry-Average Environmental Product Declaration
CMHA has published the first Industry-Average Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for concrete masonry units (CMU) produced in the United States. This EPD is based on data from thirty-five producers throughout the US. It was developed by Climate Earth and verified by ASTM International.
The Canadian Concrete Masonry Producers Association (CCMPA) has a published EPD for CMU in Canada.

Research Efforts
Through funding from the NCMA Education and Research Foundation and the ICPI Foundation for Research and Education, CMHA is researching the carbon sequestration rate in concrete masonry and hardscape products. The results of this research have demonstrated that these products sequester carbon at rates much faster than traditional wet-cast concrete.
Research is ongoing looking at the overall embodied carbon of buildings. A report on this research is expected in 2025.
CMHA collaborates closely with industry partners to drive sustainable practices forward.
Together, we’re committed to creating solutions that shape a better, more sustainable future.

Building Transparency
CMHA is an Association Sponsor of Building Transparency. We are working with them to improve search functionality in their EC3 tool for CMU, as well as ensuring accuracy in their wall building tools for concrete masonry construction.

CMHA is an affiliate member of NEU – An ACI Center for Excellence for Carbon Neutral Concrete. Efforts here will help to ensure accuracy and transparency in building material claims around sustainability.

NIST Low Carbon Cement and Concrete Consortium
CMHA is member of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) LC3 Consortium and is leading efforts related to how to best measure and quantify carbonates in hardened concrete.

Codes & Standards
CMHA staff are engaged in various forums related to environmental issues, including ASTM E60, ACI committee on sustainability, ASCE Structural Engineers Institute, and many more.

For more information, contact Craig Walloch.