Market Plaza & Exchange Plaza


The Market & Exchange Plazas in downtown Raleigh represent the city’s efforts to bring new life to the capital’s main street, restoring health and vibrancy to two underutilized areas that desperately needed a refresh. The plazas now offer a vibrant public space for community activities and improve cross-city pedestrian access and walk ability. A key design challenge included the need for flexible site programming which was a top priority. Construction challenges included shallow underground utilities above occupied space, onsite storm water mitigation, highly visible construction in a busy urban setting, and the rainiest season on record.


The concrete paver solution allowed the ability to transform the antiquated, dimly lit corridors to dynamic, flexible public spaces for outdoor dining, events, and retail creates inviting spaces that can be enjoyed anytime by residents and workers throughout the year. The concrete pavers allowed the design of each plaza to remain unique and true to character. The Market Plaza’s design is reflective of its history and name and is meant to accommodate pop-up retail. Exchange Plaza is designed with business and restaurant flair – the new design allows for fluid pedestrian movement, clear site lines, and open areas for gatherings and outdoor café style eating.


In partnership with the city’s Urban Design Center, the designer was able to meet user needs through simplicity, visual enrichment, and the integration of art and that resulted in satisfaction by the city.

Team & Location

Owner: City of Raleigh, NC
Designer: Surface 678
Producer: Belgard
Installer: Fred Adams Paving Co.