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Market District by Giant Eagle at Grandview Yard

The Giant Eagle project is a recipient of an award from SMART Dynamics of Masonry’s awards program, “Designing Masonry for All It’s Worth.”  DLA+ Architecture & Interior Design was commissioned by Giant Eagle to design a new prototype for its Market District stores.

The result is a simple, streamlined massive building envelope of 92,480 sf constructed in just 3 1/2 weeks that features single-wythe loadbearing masonry. With few windows and doors in this building enclosure, this wall system is at its most efficient.

Structural Masonry Engineering Design with Such Added Value

Half-high nominal size architectural concrete masonry units (CMUs) have the impressive aesthetics of clay brick with the economy of concrete block. The use of pre-consumer recycled content architectural CMU for 37.6% of the project and 42.2% content of grey CMU, contributed to the project earning LEED Silver certification.

Masonry structure provides redundancy of both gravity and shear load resistance. The building envelope constructed of 95,688 architectural concrete brick proved to be a good choice for the building scale and pedestrian scale.

Simplicity of the architectural design is reflected in the structural engineering design. Vertical grout and reinforcement varies, some at 32″ oc, some at 48″ oc. Loadbearing masonry walls meant there was no need for a structural steel frame, saving on budget, fabrication time and adding to useable square footage. Horizontal bond beams are located at structural bearing elevations (at mezzanine/second floor bearing elevation and roof bearing elevation). Truss type horizontal reinforcing is spaced at 16″ oc. Compressive strength of this CMU is 2000 psi, which meets the Ohio Building Code live load design requirement for 90 mph winds.

Energy Compliance

Climate Zone 5 energy compliance is achieved by use of factory-installed rigid thermal foam inserts, including in the grouted cells, enhancing both structural and thermal energy performance. CMU is also recognized for its thermal mass. This single wythe wall system of 125 psf density units has an assembly U-factor of 0.17.

Architecture is reminiscent of early 20th century produce distribution buildings, with a few enhancements – an exterior café balcony and a ground-level outdoor cafe with firepit and water feature. The featured single wythe masonry pigmented as dark red Wesleyan Blend takes advantage of the finished product on both exterior and interior. Exposed on the interior, it perfectly mates with the owner’s décor and merchandising plans, providing clean visual interest without distracting from the merchandise.

The beauty of brick, yet with modest cost, quick erection and attributes of block offering the whole package of structure, fire ratings, thermal performance and acoustic properties as well as resilience and sustainability contributions to LEED credits. A perfect package for Designing Masonry for ALL Its Worth. Several interior and exterior areas enhance the shopping experince with the inclusion of gathering space for respite to enjoy treats purchased from the bakery, deli or wine department.

The timeless elegance of the refined big box 24/7 retail has allowed Giant Eagle to successfully replicate their design in other markets. Truly high performance aesthetic masonry.

Jury Comments

“Great use of single wythe loadbearing CMU for redundant structural, thermal and acoustic performance, contributing to LEED silver certification and engineering for 90 mph winds.”

“CMU with consistent vertical cores was a unique solution demonstrating flexibility making reinforcement easier and consistent | Fantastic CMU solution to acoustics with insulation inserts | Thermal and acoustic performance achieved through insulation and grouting cores | Mock up was great idea.”

“Moisture management detail providing water resistant wall via special units and integral water repellent is noteworthy.”

“Big Box architecture is hard to get right – design is clean, simple and well done | Handsomely proportioned half high masonry units and coursing are well executed and provide sense of human scale | Masonry selection is very successful.”

This article is shared with permission from Smart Dynamics of Masonry new-tab .

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