
ICPI Holds Two Successful Virtual Regional Events on PICP

Last week, ICPI held two successful virtual events on PICP.

ICPI held two successful virtual events on PICP on May 4 and 5, 2021. During the two days of regional events, ICPI was able to reach a total of 61 individuals that worked with government or design firms or Army Corp of Engineers.

The City of Portland PICP Webinar
Tuesday, May 4, 2021, 11:00 am to 12:00 pm PDT
Regarding the webinar attendance:

  • 25 Government or Design Firm Staff

  • 4 sponsors (Curtis Clark, Erica Lange, Matthew Laniohan, Trevor Fearn)

  • 1 panelist (Robert Bowers, P. Eng., ICPI Director of Engineering)

  • 1 host (Bryan Horr, P.E., ICPI Manager of Technical Development & Market Promotion)

The City of Cincinnati PICP Symposium
Thursday, May 6 2021, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm EST.
Regarding the symposium attendance:

  • 36 Government. Army Corp of Engineers or Design Firm Staff

  • 9 sponsors (Jason Autry, Bob Bridges, Kevin Earley, Charles Taylor, David Pitre, Edward Link, Craig Willike, Greg Cooper, Kevin Piers)

  • 1 ICPI member (Structures)

  • 1 ICPI staff (David Smith, ICPI Technical Director)

  • 4 panelists (Doug Turney, P.E., CFM, Green Infrastructure Project Manager for EMH&T; David Hein, P. Eng.; Robert Bowers, P. Eng., ICPI Director of Engineering; and Jennifer Drake, P. Eng., Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto)

  • 1 host (Bryan Horr, P.E., ICPI Manager or Technical Development & Market Promotion)

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