Press Releases

ICPI and NCMA Members Approve Unification 

The votes have been submitted and tallied, and the memberships of both ICPI and NCMA have approved unification by wide margins. Both organizations achieved the 2/3 majority vote required for approval with ICPI members voting 81% in favor and NCMA members voting 97% in favor, with both associations significantly exceeding quorum requirements for the vote. Thanks to all voting members for their attention to this important issue and to the ICPI-NCMA Unification Committee members for their hard work.

With this approval, NCMA and ICPI will unify effective July 1, 2022 under the transition name ‘ICPI-NCMA’. Until that time, each association will operate as they do now.

The unified association will accomplish more for members as a stronger, more influential single organization focused on the advancement and greater use of manufactured concrete products.

A Transition Committee is in place to work through the details of facilitating unification. This committee, jointly appointed by the Boards of ICPI and NCMA, consists of the officers of each association, the chairs of the Unification Committee, and Transition Task Group chairs.

Until July 1, 2022, each association will continue to operate as normal. You will continue to receive all the member benefits of the association(s) of which you are a member and dues will be remitted to your association(s) as usual. The Transition Committee will keep you informed of its efforts and plans for transition to the unified association. The first official meeting of the unified association will be the Midyear Meeting.