
CMHA Midyear Meeting: Day 1 Recap

Members at Midyear

The 2024 CMHA Midyear Meeting officially kicked off today in Ottawa, Canada, bringing members together for a dynamic week of collaboration and connection. Day one was packed with activity. From key committee meetings to multiple town halls to welcome attendees, members also took advantage of valuable networking opportunities in between sessions.

Hardscapes Town Hall

The Hardscapes Town Hall brought together members interested in SRW and segmental concrete pavements, offering valuable insights into the latest industry developments. Key highlights included a presentation by Prof. Jennifer Drake on her PICP research in Canada, focusing on cold weather performance, pollutant reduction, and maintenance techniques.

She addressed the common misconception of “Frost Teeth,” stating, “It’s a myth for permeable pavements. It’s not something that they’re susceptible to.”

Prof. Drake also discussed the impact of U.S. federal policies in driving the industry forward and highlighted how permeable pavements help mitigate urban flooding by “reducing the volume, reducing peak flows, and delaying runoff.” She emphasized that flooding is “an issue of timing—too much in the same space at the same time.”

In her concluding remarks, Prof. Drake pointed to research showing that permeable pavements can “reduce the risk of slips and falls on outdoor pavements in the winter as long as they’re maintained properly,” making them a valuable asset in colder regions.

Dave Hein, P. Eng., shared findings from the Future Research Focus Group meeting sponsored by the ICPI Foundation, covering design, materials, and maintenance, and was honored with the CMHA Industry Champion Award for his efforts in promoting segmental concrete pavements. Gabriela Marscal, CMHA’s Division Engineer, introduced the newly released SRWall 5 software, showcasing its enhanced functionality, and Wayne Villaluna wrapped up the session by discussing hot topics that will be discussed at the Hardscape subcommittees, encouraging members to engage in the meetings this week.

Masonry Town Hall

The Masonry Town Hall speakers discussed the latest developments in the masonry industry. Adam Auer, President of the Cement Association of Canada, addressed the Canadian concrete industry’s efforts to tackle carbon-related issues and their market impacts.

He also outlined Canada’s strategy and highlighted crucial actions such as collaborating with governments to shape industrial policy and fostering education and engagement, drawing strong interest from the group.

“The competitiveness of our industry is at risk if we don’t stay ahead of the climate conversation. There is a global move to address the climate crisis – if we don’t define what net zero and sustainability mean to our sector, others will define it for us.”

Andrea McChesney, CCMPA Executive Director, and Bennett Banting, Director of Technical Services with the Canada Masonry Design Centre, provided an overview of Canadian masonry activities. Kim Spahn, CEO of the CMU Checkoff Program, shared updates on new marketing initiatives and introduced the director of the National Design Center, and Jeff Buczkiewicz, President/CEO of the Masonry Contractors Association of America, updated attendees on their recent efforts. Attendees were encouraged to participate in Masonry Market Segment subcommittees this week for further insights into the industry.

Member Networking Events

First-time attendees and new members were welcomed with a dedicated gathering designed to introduce them to the CMHA community and the Midyear Meeting experience. This special session provided insights into the structure and purpose of CMHA meetings, offering guidance on how new members can get involved in various initiatives and make the most of their membership. It also served as an excellent networking platform, allowing newcomers to connect with fellow industry professionals, share experiences, and build relationships in a more intimate setting.

After the breakout town halls, where members delved into focused discussions on hardscapes and masonry, everyone reconvened for the Member Networking Reception. This evening event was a highlight of the day, offering a relaxed atmosphere where members could gather, enjoy fellowship, and strengthen connections with peers from across the industry. The reception underscored the value of community within CMHA, providing both seasoned members and newcomers with a chance to forge new relationships and reinforce existing ones, setting the stage for further collaboration throughout the week.

Don’t forget to download CMHA’s event app to access committee meeting materials, agendas, schedule of events, connect with fellow members, and more!

Two men at Midyear Meeting
Young women EPG members
EPG members
CMHA Town Hall
Members checking in
CMHA members
Members at CMHA Town Hall
Members at Midyear
Midyear Meeting Networking

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