The Foundation is led by the Board of Trustees, comprised of visionary leaders in the concrete masonry and hardscape industry. These leaders make the successes of the Foundation possible, and they ensure that funding is provided to worthy programs. In addition the Board of Trustees, various committees have been established to evaluate grant requests and ensure that the Foundation’s investments are sound. Meet the leaders of the Foundation below:
Board of Trustees

Erik Absalon
Basalite Concrete Products, LLC

Ryan Suszek
Vice Chair
Besser Company

Brendan Quinn
Ernst Maier

Patrick Sauter
Past Chair
King’s Materials, Inc.
Bob Thomas
Concrete Masonry & Hardscapes Association
Steve Berry
Oldcastle APG
Jacob Boyer
Jose Diaz
John Fizzano
Fizzano Bros. Concrete Products
Bradley Gardner
GMS Molds
Brent Gleason
Boxley Materials Company
Sam Hoehner
Lee Building Products
Kyle Lidinsky
Matt Lynch
Oldcastle APG
Richard O’Connor
Taylor Concrete Products
David Pitre
Keystone Hardscapes
Rich Solomon
Solomon Colors, Inc
Jody Wall
Johnson Concrete
Mark Wilhelms
Best Block