Student Design Competition
The NCMA FDN in partnership with the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA), are pleased to announce the winners of the 2023 Concrete Masonry Competition: Community Commons. The competition recognized five exceptional projects that demonstrated how community centers, both indoor and outdoor gathering spaces can be used for education, recreation, networking events and more. The program challenged students to use concrete masonry products as the primary material in the design of a state-of-the-art Community Commons.

NCMA Foundation Programs
The mission of the NCMA Education and Research Foundation is to advance and support the concrete masonry and hardscape industry and the public interest through research and educational programs designed to meet the future needs of the industry.
Board of Trustees
The Foundation is led by the Board of Trustees, comprised of visionary leaders in the concrete masonry and hardscape industry. These leaders make the successes of the Foundation possible, and they ensure that funding is provided to worthy programs. In addition the Board of Trustees, various committees have been established to evaluate grant requests and ensure that the Foundation’s investments are sound.

Meet Our Contributors
The Foundation would not exist without the support of its contributors. The companies and individuals listed below have provided monetary contributions to ensure the success of the Foundation and the future of the concrete masonry and hardscape industry.