Ready to make a difference? Join a CMHA or a Foundation Committee.
When you join a committee, you become directly involved with other members in the development and delivery of products and services. Committee members can share their opinions in decision-making and help serve member needs through interaction. It’s a fantastic way to network with other members and an opportunity to grow professionally and personally.
Application Deadline:
Committee applications are due March 14. CMHA will organize requests and meet virtually with the staff liaison and the chair of each committee in April. Committee assignments will be sent in May.
Current Committees:
Masonry Committee
Responsible for improving the competitive position of concrete masonry, including gray block, architectural block, concrete masonry, manufactured stone veneers (anchored and adhered), and related concrete masonry products. Provides oversight of the market segment, coordinating its activities and developing budgets for those activities. Liaises with other committees on masonry wall products, develops and monitors the strategic plan related to these products, communicates activities from subcommittees, and prioritizes and recommends budget items to the Board of Directors.
CMU Technical Subcommittee
Responsible for the technical activities of CMHA on the use of concrete masonry products and systems. The subcommittee oversees research, advocates technical positions on codes and standards, establishes industry recommendations, improves performance attributes, and develops technical publications and software as needed to advance concrete masonry products and systems. The subcommittee provides input to the NCMA Foundation Program Review Committee on proposals and Foundation-funded technical projects on concrete masonry topics.
CMU Marketing Subcommittee
Responsible for the marketing and communication activities of CMHA for concrete masonry products to users. The subcommittee will evaluate market opportunities and develop strategies to promote concrete masonry as a building material, establish key performance indicators (KPIs), and promote awareness of CMHA programs and resources for concrete masonry products and systems. The subcommittee provides input to the NCMA Foundation Program Review Committee on proposals and Foundation-funded promotional projects on concrete masonry topics.
MSV Technical Subcommittee
Responsible for the technical activities of CMHA on the use of manufactured stone veneer products and systems. The subcommittee oversees research, advocates technical positions on codes and standards, establishes industry recommendations, improves performance attributes, and develops technical publications and software as needed to advance the market of manufactured stone products and systems. The subcommittee also provides input to the NCMA Foundation Program Review Committee on proposals and Foundation-funded technical projects on manufactured stone veneer topics.
MSV Marketing Subcommittee
Responsible for the marketing and communication activities of CMHA for manufactured stone veneer products and systems to users. The subcommittee evaluates market opportunities and develops strategies to promote manufactured stone veneer as a building material, establish key performance indicators (KPIs), and promote awareness of CMHA programs and resources for manufactured stone veneer products and systems. The subcommittee provides input to the NCMA Foundation Program Review Committee on proposals and Foundation-funded promotional projects on manufactured stone veneer topics.
Hardscapes Committee
Responsible for improving the competitive position of concrete hardscape products, including interlocking and permeable interlocking concrete pavements, concrete paving slabs and planks, concrete grid units, segmental retaining wall units, articulating concrete blocks, and related hardscape products that fall under the scope of CMHA. Provides oversight of the market segment, coordinating its activities and developing budgets for those activities. Liaises with other committees and subcommittees on hardscape products, develops and monitors the strategic plan relating to this product group, communicates the activities of each of the subcommittees, and prioritizes and recommends budget items to the Board of Directors.
Segmental Pavement Technical Subcommittee
Responsible for the technical activities of CMHA including interlocking and permeable interlocking concrete pavements, concrete paving slabs and planks, concrete grid units products and systems. The subcommittee oversees research, advocates positions on codes and standards, establishes industry recommendations on design, improves performance attributes, and develops technical publications and software as needed for this product group and systems. The subcommittee provides input to the ICPI Foundation Program Committee on proposals and Foundation-funded technical projects related to this product group.
SRW Technical Subcommittee
Responsible for the technical activities of CMHA including segmental retaining wall (SRW) and articulating concrete block (ACB) products and systems. The subcommittee oversees research, advocates technical positions on codes and standards, establishes industry recommendations on design, improves performance attributes, and develops technical publications and software as needed to advance SRW and ACB products and systems. The subcommittee also provides input to the NCMA Foundation Program Review Committee on proposals and Foundation-funded technical projects on SRW and ACB topics.
Hardscapes Construction Subcommittee
Responsible for improving installation practices, contracting, safety, insurance, and contractor business operations related to hardscape products and systems. The subcommittee liaises with the Paver Technical and SRW Technical Subcommittees in the review of hardscape construction references within industry publications, standards, and guide specifications including the development of construction and maintenance technical resources, improving constructability, and liaison with other associations regarding construction matters. The subcommittee also provides input to the ICPI Foundation Program Committee on segmental pavement-related products/systems and to the NCMA Foundation Program Review Committee on proposals regarding segmental retaining wall and articulated concrete block.
Hardscapes Marketing Subcommittee
Responsible for the marketing and communication activities of CMHA for hardscape products and systems to users. The subcommittee evaluates market opportunities and develops strategies to promote hardscape products, establish key performance indicators (KPIs), and promote awareness of CMHA programs and resources for hardscape products and systems. The subcommittee also provides input to the ICPI Foundation Program Committee and the NCMA Foundation Program Review Committee on proposals and Foundation-funded promotional projects for hardscape products.
Dues and Bylaws Committee
Responsible for reviewing proposed modifications to the dues structure, CMHA bylaws, and policy manual, and recommends modifications to the Board of Directors.
Membership and Meetings Committee
Responsible for member recruitment and retention, assessing member satisfaction, and recommendations on the operation of association meetings. The committee evaluates locations, develops sponsorships, and provides overall oversight for the Annual and Midyear Meetings. The committee communicates CMHA products, services, programs, and benefits related to membership recruitment, retention, and engagement by existing and potential members.
Education Committee
Responsible for ensuring that CMHA’s education programs support the association’s strategic plan, goals, and objectives. The committee develops, implements, and evaluates all CMHA education programs. Liaises with the Masonry and Hardscape Committees to ensure education programs achieve strategic plan goals and objectives for all market segments. Evaluates industry and market needs for education programs that advance member products and systems. The committee provides input to the ICPI Foundation Program Committee and the NCMA Foundation Program Review Committee on proposals and Foundation-funded education projects.
Certification Committee
Responsible for independently developing and maintaining professional certification program policies and procedures. The committee develops, implements, and evaluates all hardscape, masonry, and manufactured stone veneer professional certifications and designations to ensure that these programs meet certification industry best practices. Liaises with the Masonry and Hardscapes Committees to ensure certification programs achieve strategic plan goals and objectives for market segments. Evaluates industry and market needs for certification programs to advance member products and systems.
Government Affairs Committee
Responsible for the activities of CMHA related to advocating, promoting, and defending industry interests concerning government policy and regulations in the United States and hardscapes interests in Canada. The committee develops advocacy programs prioritizing legislative and regulatory issues, establishes CMHA as the voice of concrete masonry and hardscape products to government representatives and agencies, and promotes member products and systems to governments. The committee may engage outside counsel to influence legislators, federal agencies, state/provincial agencies, and municipalities. The committee also oversees the Political Action Committee.
Canadian Hardscapes Government Affairs Subcommittee
Responsible for developing an advocacy program for Hardscapes that impacts legislation and regulations in Canada. The subcommittee advocates, promotes and defends industry legislative and regulatory interests within Canadian provincial and municipal governments. The subcommittee liaises with CCMPA and with CMHA, acts as the voice for manufactured concrete products to governments, and promotes member products and systems to government agencies. The subcommittee may engage outside counsel to influence legislators, national agencies, provincial agencies, and municipalities.
Political Action Committee (PAC)
Responsible for overseeing the Block& Paver PAC which provides the opportunity for those interested in the future of the masonry and hardscapes industry to contribute to the support of worthy candidates for federal office who believe and have demonstrated their beliefs in the principles to which the industry is dedicated.
HNA Advisory Committee
Responsible for fostering communication among CMHA members, stakeholders, and attendees with the goal of enhancing the trade show and education program for exhibitors and attendees. The committee advises on improvements to the trade show, demonstration, and education programs for exhibitors and attendees. It approves the educational program, recommends changes to exhibit policies and procedures, and provides a forum for exhibitor and attendee input.
HNA Steering Committee
Responsible for developing specific recommendations on the HNA budget, financials, strategies, and policies that will drive future growth potential for the show for the benefit of the industry and the Association. This group will engage the Advisory Committee for ideas, insights, and feedback to support the development of those recommendations and to implement plans. Report to the Executive Committee and Board of Directors and will have overlapping membership with and coordinate with the HNA Advisory Committee.
Precast Show Advisory Committee
Responsible for fostering communication among CMHA members, stakeholders, and attendees with the goal of enhancing the trade show and education program for exhibitors and attendees. The committee advises on improvements to the trade show, demonstration, and education programs for exhibitors and attendees. It approves the educational program, recommends changes to exhibit policies and procedures, and provides a forum for exhibitor and attendee input.
Commercial Technical Promotion Advisory Committee
Responsible for recommending activities that enhance the training of the Commercial Technical Promotion Team on CMHA resources, best practices, and research deliverables. The committee encourages Commercial Technical Promotion Team to communicate opportunities to staff that promote concrete masonry and hardscape products to broader user audiences. It identifies obstacles to the adoption of hardscape and concrete masonry products so that CMHA staff can develop resources and actions to remove them.
Workforce Development Advisory Committee
Responsible for recommending programs and activities that empower the industry to attract, train, and retain a highly qualified workforce to meet market demand. The committee creates programs and resources to attract new recruits into the industry and promotes industry career paths. The committee also develops strategic alliances with national organizations to strengthen CMHA’s workforce development strategic goals, objectives, and programs. Liaises with the Masonry and Hardscapes Committees to ensure programs achieve strategic plan goals and objectives for all market segments. The committee provides input to the ICPI Foundation Program Committee and the NCMA Foundation Program Review Committee on proposals and Foundation-funded workforce development projects.
Foundation Committees:
NCMA Foundation Finance Committee
Responsible for monitoring the foundation’s financial investment strategies and ensuring compliance with the approved investment policy. The committee makes recommendations to the board of trustees pertaining to the financial management of foundation funds.
NCMA Foundation Program Committee
Responsible for reviewing all grant requests, evaluating their relevance to the foundation’s mission statement and established initiatives and making funding recommendations to the board of trustees.
ICPI Foundation Program Committee
Responsible for recommending potential research projects and education programs to the Board of Trustees, reviews ongoing work, and reviews technical publications to be published by the Foundation prior to Trustees review and action. Recommendations or funding research projects and education programs shall be determined by the Program Committee with review and recommendations by appropriate CMHA committees.
ICPI Foundation Development Committee
Responsible for securing an endowment for the purpose of funding education and research on behalf of the Foundation.

CMHA is dedicated to creating networking and educational opportunities and technical resources that advance the concrete masonry and hardscape industry. Get access to CMHA’s exclusive benefits and learn how you can join today!
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