Committee members_h


Ready to make a difference? Join a CMHA or a Foundation Committee.

When you join a committee, you become directly involved with other members in the development and delivery of products and services. Committee members can share their opinions in decision-making and help serve member needs through interaction. It’s a fantastic way to network with other members and an opportunity to grow professionally and personally.

Application Deadline:
Committee applications are due March 14. CMHA will organize requests and meet virtually with the staff liaison and the chair of each committee in April. Committee assignments will be sent in May.

Current Committees:

Masonry Committee

CMU Technical Subcommittee

CMU Marketing Subcommittee

MSV Technical Subcommittee

MSV Marketing Subcommittee

Hardscapes Committee

Segmental Pavement Technical Subcommittee

SRW Technical Subcommittee

Hardscapes Construction Subcommittee

Hardscapes Marketing Subcommittee

Dues and Bylaws Committee

Membership and Meetings Committee

Education Committee

Certification Committee

Government Affairs Committee

Canadian Hardscapes Government Affairs Subcommittee

Political Action Committee (PAC)

HNA Advisory Committee

HNA Steering Committee

Precast Show Advisory Committee

Commercial Technical Promotion Advisory Committee

Workforce Development Advisory Committee

Foundation Committees:

NCMA Foundation Finance Committee

NCMA Foundation Program Committee

ICPI Foundation Program Committee

ICPI Foundation Development Committee

Group of members at Midyear Meeting

CMHA is dedicated to creating networking and educational opportunities and technical resources that advance the concrete masonry and hardscape industry. Get access to CMHA’s exclusive benefits and learn how you can join today!

Need more information on how you can get involved in CMHA committees? Contact us.