Join the Concrete Masonry & Hardscapes Association
The benefits privileged to members? Bountiful. Dive into a world of exclusive opportunities as you gain access to industry-defining events, networking galore, and a coveted seat at the table during meetings, trade shows, conventions, and more. Get access to CMHA’s vast libraries that host technical and promotional information as well as to the laboratory where products, materials and techniques are optimized. Elevate your professional growth with our unparalleled educational offerings. Gain the ability to ask an experienced, qualified engineer a question at any time, about anything.

CMHA’s Membership Team
Clare Ramminger
Director of Membership
CMHA’s membership team is here to serve you! If you have questions about becoming a member or your current membership, please contact CMHA’s Membership team at 571-224-0929.
Membership Types and Benefits

Available to contracting companies that install pavers and segmental retaining walls. Membership is vital for those interested in advancing this specific market in the way of education, certification, committees, advocacy and other important issues.

Producer membership is open to companies located within the United States and Canada who are engaged in the manufacturing of concrete products like block, pavers, segmental retaining wall units, articulated concrete block, manufactured stone veneer and other related products.

Open to suppliers of products and services of the manufactured concrete masonry and hardscape products industry that are interested in the welfare of the industry and the production of concrete products utilized in masonry, hardscape and/or manufactured stone applications.

Dealer membership is available to companies that sell hardscape and masonry products.

For companies engaged in the manufacturing of concrete products and is not located in the United States, Canada or their possessions.

Professional membership is available to associations, consultants, individuals, and schools/universities.

The Benefits of Membership
We are working on your behalf with government agencies and municipalities to bring about change, develop and implement standards, raise awareness and support safe and intelligent practices.
CMHA offers top-notch education opportunities designed to help you and your team succeed. Our comprehensive programs include a line-up of online and in-person options developed specifically with your needs in mind. If professional development is your goal, you have come to the right place.
The #1 reason companies join CMHA is for the unmatched networking opportunities. Join us for new professional connections, career advice, new ideas, and valuable industry information.
Technical Resources
From design to construction to use, CMHA has the resources you need to ensure success on concrete masonry, segmental retaining walls, hardscapes, segmental pavements and manufactured stone veneer projects.
Get Involved

Concrete Women Connect
CMHA is committed to supporting the professional growth and development of women within the concrete masonry and hardscape industry. Our Concrete Women Connect group provides opportunities for networking and access to applicable resources.

Emerging Professionals Group
The Emerging Professionals Group is where the next generation of industry leaders meet to identify and pursue untapped opportunities to expand the market through social media, professional expertise, and workshops.

Small & Family Business Forum
The Small and Family Business Forum is where members come to talk about the challenges and joys of running small and family businesses. Whether you are a fourth-generation family business, or someone who just took the reins of a small business, join us for insightful conversations at an upcoming CMHA meeting.

Join a Committee
Ready to make a difference?
When you join a committee, you become directly involved with other members in the development and delivery of products and services. Committee members can share their opinion in decision-making and help serve member needs through interaction. It’s a fantastic way to network with other members and an opportunity to grow professionally and personally.