Grantee: National Concrete Masonry Association
Principle Investigators: Tim Jones
Year: 2020
Project Number: 2020.023
Status: In Progress
Freeze-thaw durability is critical for segmental retaining wall units. Collaboration with FHWA is important for the industry. This project will build on previous work to advance both objectives.
Program Details:
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has secured funding to conduct research to assess the freeze/thaw performance of manufactured concrete products. NCMA is collaborating FHWA to provide insight and expertise of freeze/thaw testing and conduct companion testing. This project builds on previous collaboration efforts between NCMA and FHWA that is aiding both organizations in the gaining of insights into the predictive durability of manufactured hardscape products. In Phase I, FHWA conducted research to assess the freeze/thaw performance of full-size manufactured concrete products rather than coupons obtained from full-size specimens. NCMA is also conducting companion testing on coupons using standardized ASTM procedures on the same materials that will be evaluated at FHWA’s facility.
During phase I, variables and gaps are observed within the test method ASTM C1262, Standard Test Method for Evaluating the Freeze-Thaw Durability of Dry-Cast Segmental Retaining Wall Units and Related Concrete Units. Phase II includes conducting research to better understand these variables and their impact on the dry cast products.
The results of this investigation will be in turn be used to educate decision-makers that SRW materials can achieve equal or better freeze-thaw performance compared to wet-cast materials in a context where they are more familiar and more comfortable drawing comparisons.