Grantee: Ball State University
Principle Investigators: Anthony Costello
Year: 2018
Project Number: 2018.001
Educating the next generation of designers is a key objective of the NCMA Foundation. This architecture student design competition at Ball State University has for many years challenged architecture students to solve real world problems with concrete masonry.
Program Details:
At Ball State, this course is a three (3) credit, elective course traditionally open to architecture and landscape architecture students. It meets one evening / 16-week semester for 3 hours and uses a four (4) student team format. This year’s course differed from prior courses in that both projects were unique. The project for the STUDENT DESIGN COMPETITION was a project for Puerto Rico instead of Haiti. Entitled, A Prototype Medical Clinic for Rural Puerto Employing the “Clinic in a Can” System to Also Serve as a Pre & Post Disaster Assistance Center, it was chosen by in the wake of the (continuing to this day!) impact on all human services on the island, especially in the rural areas.
The project for the UNIT DESIGN COMPETITION included the challenge to incorporate disposed, plastic water bottles in their design as a component of sustainable design, an emphasis placed in all architecture courses at Ball State. Each phase of the course is structured to allow students to undertake both projects simultaneously.