Chair’s Award

Deserving individuals for the Chair’s Award recognizes their impactful contributions to our industry and the CMHA.

The Chair’s Award is a distinguished honor bestowed upon individuals within the masonry and hardscape industry who have made outstanding contributions in support of CMHA’s vision. This award recognizes those who have provided exceptional service or demonstrated strong leadership, playing a crucial role in advancing the association’s goals and initiatives. What makes the Chair’s Award unique is that it is granted solely at the discretion of the CMHA Chair of the Board, allowing for a broad interpretation of what constitutes meritorious service. This award recognizes a diverse array of contributions, from strategic leadership to hands-on involvement, all of which have significantly impacted the industry and the association.

About the Chair’s Award

Criteria and Eligibility

Approval Process


The Chair’s Award is a unique honor, with recipients selected solely at the discretion of the CMHA Chair of the Board. This award is designed to recognize a diverse range of contributions, celebrating those who have made a significant impact on the industry and the association.

For more information about the CMHA’s Chair Award, contact