Certification Renewal

Achieving CMHA Certification is just the beginning of your journey towards professional excellence in the hardscape installation industry. Certification starts with gaining hands-on installation experience, submitting your application, and passing the certification exam.

Why Certification Matters

  • Ongoing Development: Certified Installers are dedicated to their craft, staying actively involved in the profession and continually developing their skills.
  • Professional Commitment: CMHA’s Certification Committee has designed a renewal process that reflects a strong commitment to professional growth and adheres to ISO 17024:2012 accreditation requirements.

Renewal Process

  • Frequency: Your CMHA credential must be renewed every two years.
  • Requirements: Renewal requires submission of the established minimum Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and the required renewal fee.

The hardscape installation industry is dynamic, with new practices, research, and information emerging regularly. The 2-year certification period ensures that Certified Installers remain up-to-date with the latest industry standards and best practices.

CEU Requirements

Certified Installers must earn eight CEUs within their certification period:

  • Five CEUs: Must be related to the Certified Concrete Paver Installer competency domains.
  • Three CEUs: Can come from General Contractor (GC) CEUs.
  • Service to the Industry: Up to three CEUs can be earned through service to the industry during the certification term.

Take the Next Step in Your Career

Join the ranks of dedicated professionals committed to excellence in the hardscape installation industry. Maintain your edge by renewing your certification and staying current with evolving industry standards.

Apply for certification today and elevate your professional standards!