We Are Focused on Elevating our Members and the Industry
CMHA’s 2022-25 Strategic plan focuses on six core areas including raising awareness of the segmental concrete products and systems industry, education and certification, technical expertise, advocacy, unification transition and building and strengthening the community. You can take a closer look at the plan below. Download the Strategic Plan.
Strategic Plan Outline
Promotes the value of segmental concrete products and systems to key influencers/stakeholders to grow market share and attract new talent to the industry.
- Create compelling campaign and resources to attract talent to pursue career within the segmental concrete products industry.
- Document and demonstrate the value of segmental concrete product system.
- Educate and influence stakeholders and decision makers to choose segmental concrete products and systems.
- Identify and partner with key organizations (e.g. checkoff, OPEI, etc.) to increase understanding and amplify messages about segmental concrete product system solutions.
Explore, develop, and deliver educational resources and credentials to advance industry stakeholders.
- Evaluate and optimize existing education programs.
- Identify gaps in education program offerings and evaluate opportunities for growth.
- Adapt training programs to meet certification industry best practices.
- Pursue opportunities for partnership with contractor and labor organizations to expand industry training.
Develop and disseminate knowledge and innovative resources for segmental concrete products and systems.
- Develop and deliver technical resources tailored to stakeholders (i.e. project owners, design professionals, DOTs/municipalities, and contractors).
- Develop and retain recognized technical expertise on staff.
- Establish authoritative resources (e.g. standards, guidelines, etc.) with participation from industry and outside stakeholders.
- Advance research and development efforts.
Advocate to protect and advance the competitive position of member products and system through codes and standard development and bringing values through specifications to policymakers.
- To communicate with policymakers regarding segmental concrete product systems as sustainable and resilient building and site solutions.
- Advocate for legislation, policies, codes, and standards that provide opportunities to expand markets and eliminates barriers to use.
- Work to reduce or eliminate unnecessary regulatory burdens for members.
Develop systems and processes that provide for efficient use of Association resources and staff time.
- Develop and launch technology tools to enable communication and education.
- Develop and promote a brand and name for the new organization that reflects its core values of expertise, leadership, quality, and integrity.
- Retain key employees and develop a new staff culture that promotes the organization’s values.
- Develop strategy to leverage the assets (i.e. facilities, reserves, Foundations, etc.) of the organization to support the mission.
- Create and sustain a financial model that enhances ability of the unified association to achieve its strategic plan.
Foster an efficient environment for networking, communication, engagement, outreach, and interaction of members and among like-minded communities to expand CMHA, Impact and strengthen the industry.
- Grow engagement among members via networking.
- Grow and retain membership of industry-related companies.
- Cultivate leader and leadership opportunities within the membership.
- Create pathways for individuals to grow and engage personally and professionally (member retention).