The Association is owned by its members. As such, the voting membership sits at the top of CMHA’s governance structure.
The members guide the direction of the association and delegate authority to the Board of Directors, the members of which the members elect.
Board of Directors
The CMHA Board has policy control of the Association, including approval of an annual budget. The Board consists of 23 to 29 directors, six of which sit on the Executive Committee to provide leadership between meetings of the board. A Leadership Development Committee nominates directors for election by the membership and a slate of officers for election by the Board. Voting members of all categories are eligible to serve on the Board. See a list of the current Board Members.
The Board is led by the following elected officers:
- Chair of the Board
- Vice Chair of the Board
- Immediate Past Chair of the Board
- Secretary Treasurer
The individuals currently serving as officers, through February 2025, are shown below:
Sam Hoehner
Lee Building Products
David Pitre
Vice Chair
Keystone Hardscapes
Mike Mueller
TEKA North America, Inc.
Matt Lynch
Immediate Past Chair
Oldcastle APG
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee acts on issues that may arise between meetings of the Board and consists of the four officers listed above as well as the Chair of the Masonry Committee and the Chair of the Hardscape Committee.
CMHA has robust committee involvement with over 240 individuals, representing over 100 companies, actively serving on approximately 30 committees, subcommittees, or task groups. Member participation, open to representatives of voting member companies, is encouraged to lead strategies for market development and association management. Learn more about committees.
Executive Staff
The CMHA staff is led by:

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