
P4 Infrastructure for the ASCE PICP Monitoring Systems

Recipient: ASCE Foundation
Grant: $23,685
Completion: 2022
Project Summary: 27

Background and Need
In 2022, P4 Infrastructure Inc. installed a monitoring station in the 4,000+ square feet Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavement (PICP) parking lot at the headquarters of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) in Reston, VA. For more details on the ASCE Low Impact Development (LID) PICP Retrofit Project, generously donated by the ICPI Foundation for Education and Research, please consult Fact Sheet 24.

P4’s technology is tailored to monitor infiltration and flows in LID practices, particularly in permeable pavements. The technology and software can be deployed in partially or non-infiltration permeable pavements within an urban drainage system. Furthermore, the information obtained from the software can be employed to mitigate the risk of excessive (conservative) over-design, which is often associated with LID practices, particularly permeable pavements. This is achieved by demonstrating the efficacy of a permeable system even when using a reduced subbase reservoir thickness or a lower count and size of pipes in a stormwater drainage system. This project is P4’s first project integrating their monitoring equipment with PICP.