This year’s Member Needs Assessment was sent to all ICPI Standing Committee members (including Board of Directors and Executive Committee members)

This year’s Member Needs Assessment was sent to all ICPI Standing Committee members (including Board of Directors and Executive Committee members), Commercial Technical Promotion Team and all ICPI member representatives. The overall response rate for this year’s survey was approximately 10%.
The survey contained extra questions regarding the importance and satisfaction of various ICPI programs and services. This line of questioning represents the beginning of a portfolio analysis that was proposed during the strategic planning process that intends to review all ICPI programming and services. It is a top priority of ICPI leadership and staff to make sure the programs and services offered are meeting the need of our members.
Some highlights from this year’s survey were:
ICPI Mission: 96% of survey participants believe that ICPI is achieving its mission.
What is the most important thing ICPI does for your company? The most common answers included education, networking opportunities and technical support.
ICPI Value: 80.9% overall value of ICPI equal to or greater than other trade associations.
Obstacles: Members are still reporting that a labor shortage is still the greatest obstacle facing their companies. Other notable answers were industry consolidation and the economy.
Future Trends: Members note that the labor shortage is still top of mind for future concerns regarding the industry.