
Which Software can be Utilized for the Design of Segmental Retaining Walls?

Revised 2023

When seeking to design segmental retaining walls, there are several professional-grade software packages available. Each package contains different functionality and complies with the different design methodologies to different degrees. It is advisable for the designer to thoroughly review the software and understand any differences it may have with the standard design approaches. Here are some key details to consider when selecting the appropriate software for your project’s needs:


Both gravity and reinforced walls must be designed to meet the specific requirements of the chosen method. Several design methods are available, depending on the nature of the project. For most residential and commercial walls, the Concrete Masonry & Hardscape Association (CMHA) (formerly NCMA) method is commonly used. Transportation projects may require the American Association of Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) or Federal Highway (FHWA) methods, while some transportation agencies might have their specific approaches.

  • Generic Software Options for Design Methods: There are suitable software solutions to assist with the design based on widely available methods. For example, the CMHA 3rd edition design method has a nonproprietary companion software. Other nonproprietary software options are REA or Vespa. Alternatively, for AASHTO or FHWA methods, MSEW+ and Vespa are suitable options.
  • Proprietary Software Considerations: Proprietary software following chosen design methods are also suitable solutions. This vendor supplied software is already populated with system specific data and only analyzes the vendors proprietary products. This is typically supplied by the SRW System Supplier.

A complete segmental retaining wall design requires the evaluation of several forms of potential failure. This could include external stability (sliding, overturning and bearing capacity checks), internal stability (overstress, pullout, and international sliding checks), facial stability (crest toppling and connection checks) and possibly internal compound stability.


In cases where an analysis of the wall’s global stability is required, certain software programs can handle 2D global stability analysis effectively. Examples of such software include Slide2, Slope/W (2D analysis) or Slope3D (3D analysis), or ReSSA+. Designers can input all relevant wall conditions into these programs for analysis.


This newest method uses slope stability to model the driving and stabilizing loads on a wall and it is usually used in very complicated projects. As of now, the only available software is ReSSA+.

It’s important to note that currently, there is no single software solution that can handle the wall design, global stability analysis, and the limit equilibrium method. Therefore, a combination of appropriate software may be needed to address all aspects of a project effectively.

  • SRWall 4.0 from CMHA
  • MSEW+ and Ressa+ from Adama Engineering:
  • REA Analysis from Race Engineering:
  • Slide 2 from Rocscience:
  • SLOPE/W and SLOPE3D from GeoSlope:
  • Vespa from CTiSoftware:
  • Proprietary Software, contact your SRW supplier to find out if they have their own software

The list of software presented here is not intended as a CMHA endorsement nor it is all-inclusive. CMHA has not verified accuracy of calculations so the designer is encouraged to do so when selecting a software aid.